
There are at least three areas of potential delay where campaign scripting and data loading are carried out by the IT department:

Where the entire process is owned by the campaign manager, these delays are at least reduced, if not obviated. The campaign manager also has full responsibility for the script and data, and full control over them. With one less link in the chain from client to functioning script, a potential area for misunderstanding is removed.

For the IT department, having the campaign manager writing the script and controlling the data means a reduction in the resources required by the marketing department.

Areas of productivity that are addressed by OneScript

The target group for OneScript is organisations with numerous varied small or medium sized campaigns, generally business to business, where the speed of providing a solution is significant. Organisations carrying out large scale consumer campaigns with short average call duration are better catered for by autodialling solutions.

While the initial intention was to write a scripter for outbound campaigns, it was clear after starting work on it that it could also be used for inbound campaigns, and for campaigns associated with a mailing. This currently has similar functionality to the outbound campaigns, but there could well be a need to enhance this functionality for inbound campaigns, and this is an ongoing area of work.